Improving Recruiting for Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews

Qualitative market research includes tried-and-true methodologies such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. In between the topic to be explored in the market study and the study itself is recruiting. Finding qualified participants who can take part in the study is the beating heart of any study. Recruiting for market research studies can be tedious and time-consuming and, which is why qualitative research consultants often rely on market research recruitment agencies.



Why you should work with a market research recruiting agency

Market researchers and moderators partner with professional recruiting firms because of the efficiency and focus recruiters can give to all aspects of recruiting—from finding the right candidates through incentive payments. Working with a nationwide recruitment agency allows researchers more time to devote to study design, screening guides, moderator or discussion guides, moderating, transcribing and analyzing results, and delivering a final report on the results.

Many nationwide recruitment agencies offer on-site facilities to host focus groups, while other recruitment firms have relationships with facilities that can host focus groups. With many focus groups now being done online, and the rise in popularity of mobile ethnographies, having physical spaces to host focus groups is not as important as it was pre-pandemic.

Some challenges to market research recruiting

One of the most important tools for the recruiter is a good screening guide. Without a well thought out screener, it’s nearly impossible to recruit suitable candidates to fill a study. Once recruiting starts, a good recruiter will check in with you daily (sometimes hourly). Recruiters should provide you with respondent profiles to ensure they are aligned with the screening, and check for quota progress. It’s always a good idea to have a few extra participants on stand-by for last-minute substitutions. There are always issues that arise once a study gets under way, and having backup respondents will save you a lot of frustration!

Recruiting for B2B and healthcare studies present their own challenges, which is why it’s important to be in regular communication with your recruiter. When, not if, there are recruiting problems, you’ll want to be alerted right away so problems can be addressed. Other common problems with market research recruitment include people not meeting your screen, either because it’s written too specifically, or there may not be enough available participants who meet the criteria. Another challenge to recruiting may be mismatched incentives. If your study requires input from CEOs, experts, or executives then your incentives need to be higher or of more appeal.

Many market studies require participants to keep diaries before the start of the focus group or in-depth interview. If this is a requirement of your study, be sure your recruiter knows to check participants’ progress with diaries.

Recruiting for market research is its own specialty, which is why firms that makes
market research recruitment consultants their area of expertise is your best bet for finding qualified participants for your next market study.

Contact us Today to learn more about how we can help with market research recruiting!

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