2022 Market Research and Recruiting Trends

As companies prepare budgets for another fiscal cycle, we like to look back at the year that’s closing out and then pivot and look forward to the market research trends we anticipate in the year ahead. Covid-19, and its many mutations, continues to influence and shape purchasing decisions, qualitative research studies, marketing strategies, and whether or not to return to in-person gatherings. With this in mind, let’s explore some of the market research trends we anticipate in 2022.

Supply Chain Disruptions and Inflation

Headlines continue to focus on the headaches caused to retailers and consumers by the ongoing supply chain disruptions. With shipping containers still in short supply and labor shortages to move goods from point A to B, companies should be engaging with marketing recruitment consultants to understand the impacts such disruptions are having on consumer behavior. Gaining insights into the interplay between inflation, supply disruptions, and consumer expectations will give companies the information they need to change communication strategies so they don’t inadvertently make matters worse. Companies can’t afford to be tone-deaf or caught flat-footed when it comes to marketing and consumer engagement.

Social Listening

Hootsuite, a social media management company, recently released its 2022 Social Trends report. There are many great takeaways in the report, but one that caught our attention was the importance of market research recruitment.

Just because the pandemic restricted many in-person focus groups, and other qualitative market research studies, doesn’t mean that companies don’t have effective ways to gain deeper insights. Social listening has many advantages, and we anticipate that it will gain in popularity in the coming year.

Diversity and Inclusion

We’ve covered the importance of diversity and inclusion in other blogs, and this will continue to be an important focus for recruiting.

Market research studies must be inclusive and representative of the diverse make-up of consumer markets. While this applies to all general studies, it is even more important with medical and healthcare studies.

Our team of recruiters is ready to meet the challenges of 2022. We have a proven track record when it comes to recruiting qualitative research consultant for all sorts of studies. We can fill large, quantitative studies, or niche qualitative studies, and we look forward to all that 2022 has in store.

To find the best participants for your next study, contact us today!

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