2021 Market Research Trends
It’s probably fair to say that most of us are happy to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror. Not that Q1 of 2021 will be too different, but the light at the end of this long COVID-19 tunnel is at least visible.
No industry or nation was spared the devastation brought on by the
pandemic. The market research industry was no exception and underwent a
lot of changes in 2020. Rather than enjoy in-person focus groups and
in-depth interviews, all modes of qualitative research switched to
virtual platforms. While researchers can still gather lots of rich data
from online focus groups, the word on the street is that qualitative research consultant
can’t wait to be able to conduct in-person focus groups and interviews
again. A lot of nuance gets lost or obfuscated when conducting
qualitative research remotely.
We anticipate that some of the
changes to market research will remain with us into 2021 and beyond.
Below are three trends that expect to see in 2021 as it relates to
market research.
Trend #1: Virtual Qualitative Research is Here to Stay
Virtual market research platforms have been around for many years but
they really got a boost in 2020. While researchers will tell you that if
they have the option to conduct focus groups or in-depth interviews
in-person, they’d prefer it, but they’ve adapted well and most market
research firms will continue to design studies that incorporate virtual
offerings. The upside to virtual studies is it allows recruiting firms
to reach a much broader audience. Removing the barriers to having to
meet in-person has made for better recruiting outcomes.
Trend #2: There Will be Increased Interest in Journey Mapping
With most consumer behaviour now happening online, companies are
scrambling to ensure that their digital offerings can meet the demands
of their customers. Only market research can inform companies of how
their customers feel about their digital experiences. Researchers can
design legitimate surveys for cash
that reveal gaps and opportunities for companies. Journey mapping will
provide much more useful data than click stats, KPI data, or even heat
mapping. A well-designed journey mapping study will reveal much more
detailed and informative data that will help companies improve their
digital offerings.
Trend #3: Market Research Recruiting Will Expand
Companies that are nimble enough to pivot during times of disruption
are the ones that have staying power. What separates long-term
successful companies from those that flounder is having a good handle on
what drives consumer behaviour. This doesn’t happen by looking into a
crystal ball, but rather by conducting market research. Market research
doesn’t happen without vetted participants. Because so many market
research studies are now taking place online, market research recruitment agencies
are able to pull in qualified participants from a much broader
geographic area. We’ve recently recruited study participants from around
the world to participate in U.S.-led research because we weren’t
limited by geography.
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Original Source: https://bit.ly/2MB4L50