3 Tips for Improving Online Focus Groups
Even before COVID-19 limited people being in close proximity, qualitative researchers were incorporating online and virtual research methodologies into their studies. There are many reasons why researchers may decide to conduct an online focus group with focus group recruitment agency. Sometimes geography makes it difficult to gather people to a central meeting place, or perhaps the focus group is centered on Gen-Z or millennials, and it’s easier for this cohort to join virtually, rather than in person. Online focus groups are here to stay, even when physical distancing measures are relaxed due to COVID-19.
Here are three tips to improve conducting online focus groups.
1. Reduce the number of participants—In-person
focus groups typically have between 6-12 participants, but when
conducting a virtual focus group, it’s easier if that number is reduced
to between 5-7. Having a smaller online group makes it easier for all
participants to engage, not to mention there is less strain on the
moderator. With fewer participants in each online group, researchers
will often conduct more online focus groups to ensure that there is
adequate representation and opportunity to hear from enough people so
that patterns between responses can be identified.
2. Expand recruitment—Since moderators aren’t restrained by geography, recruitment can be expanded to include participants across a much larger area Nationwide recruitment services
agencies can cast a wider net to help researchers find the best,
qualified participants for online focus groups. Focus group recruitment
agencies are well-versed in finding qualified participants to populate
studies, whether or not they are held in-person or virtually. Most
recruiting agencies already manage confidentiality agreements by email
and incentive payments by electronic transfers.
3. Choose the right online platform tools—Since
COVID-19, most of us are familiar with Zoom. While Zoom is a fine
choice for hosting online focus groups, there are other options. Google
Hangouts, WebEx, Teams are some examples of other options for hosting
virtual focus groups. Some tools to look for when hosting a virtual
focus group are easy recording, the ability to break out into subgroups,
and chat features. Keep in mind that if you’re hosting a health care
study or legitimate surveys for cash
where privacy about sensitive topics is concerned, look for hosting
platforms that can anonymize participants. There are more possibilities
of technological frustrations when using online platforms, so be
prepared with a phone and back-up audio recorder.
While hosting
virtual focus groups requires a bit more effort, they are equally
effective in the types of insights that can be gleaned. As always, the
best outcomes happen when partnering with nationwide market research
firms and recruitment agencies.
To Learn More about Recruiting for you Next Online Focus Group, Contact Us Today!
Original Reference: https://bit.ly/307XRrZ