3 Tips for Recruiting Market Research Study Participants

Market research recruitment agencies are the beating heart of any market research study. If recruiting isn’t well thought out and properly managed, it can derail the entire study. Market researchers understand the challenges of recruiting, but when organizations try to manage market research internally, they often underestimate the time and energy required to manage this facet of the study. Market research isn’t just about asking the right questions, it’s about asking the right people. It doesn’t matter if your study is B2B, medical, or consumer-oriented, insite research , recruiting qualified participants is the common denominator. 1. Know Your Audience Once you decide on the what you want your study to achieve (product testing, concept testing, UX feedback, etc.) the next step is to understand who the target audience is. There are a number of factors to consider such as, does the study aim to gain insights from across an existing customer base, or is the objective...