
Showing posts from November, 2020

The “Seven Rs” of Recruiting Healthcare Professionals for Qualitative Studies

When it comes to recruiting for medical, or healthcare, studies, you might first think about patient recruitment. It’s true that many healthcare qualitative studies are centered around patients, but more and more, we’re seeing studies focused on clinicians and healthcare providers. Recruiting healthcare providers, rather than patients, poses additional challenges. From access to clinicians, to incentivizing an already over-worked population to participate in qualitative studies, recruitment agencies need to have a different game-plan when it comes to successful recruitment and participation in qualitative studies of healthcare workers. Similar to any insite research and consulting , the quality of the outcome is largely dependent on the quality of the recruits. Designing a good market research study takes a lot of energy and time, and recruiting takes up a bulk of it. Recruiting hurdles can derail studies if they blow the budget and/or take more time than originally all...

3 Tips for Improving Virtual Market Research Studies

Over the last few months, we’ve shared a number of insights into how to make the most of the challenging situations posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Since it looks like restrictions will remain in place for the foreseeable future, we’ll continue to focus on various tips and insights to help you improve your insite research . Even when life returns to pre-Covid ‘normal’, there remain many benefits to continuing with aspects of virtual research, including: · More authentic insights · Cost-effective · Feedback can be captured in real-time · Easier access to a more geographically-diverse mix of participants · No logistical challenges of gathering people in a physical location Below are 3 tips for improving on remote market research studies. Go Mobile More people now have access to smartphones making mobile ethnography studies accessible to a broader audience. There are a number of mobile platforms that qualitative research consultant can choose from to design mobile ethno...

Virtual Market Research is Here to Stay (and That’s a Good Thing!)

If there is a silver lining to the disruption caused by Covid-19, for the market research recruitment agencies , it is that researchers have had to quickly adapt to mobile methodologies. While such methodologies aren’t new to the industry, prior to Covid-19, they may not have been used to their full extent. Not only have platforms to host online focus groups and in-depth interviews made it possible to continue with market research studies during the pandemic, it has given researchers the opportunity to reach more broadly distributed participants for each study. When conducting in-person focus groups, market research recruitment consultants will tend to focus on a specific geographic region so participants can meet in-person. Depending the budget, researchers would try and have representative samplings from a broader area and would schedule in-person focus groups to take place in towns or cities across a region, or even the country. Switching to mobile platforms or by inc...

Working with a Nationwide Recruitment Agency Speeds up Market Research Studies

By teaming up with a nationwide recruitment agency , you can save your team time and energy, ensuring that your market research study can be completed on time and on budget. Qualitative research consultants will tell you that managing market research recruitment internally can quickly derail a study. It’s easy to underestimate the time involved with recruitment. Recruiting and managing participants follows a study from the beginning to the end, which is why many experienced researchers turn this key component of a study over to a nationwide recruitment firm.     Working with experienced recruiters remains the most popular way of connecting with qualified participants. Between the detailed screening guides and the recruiting company’s experience and connection to the industry or geographic areas, it saves a lot of time by outsourcing recruiting, rather than try to take this on internally. Because recruiters will manage participants from beginning to end, researche...