How Many People to Recruit for Focus Groups?
Qualitative research consultants rely on a number of methodologies when conducting Insite research . Each study differs in subject and scope, but researchers are always seeking to engage with participants who can offer deeper insights. Research consultants often design studies that employ a variety of methodologies, from in-depth interviews to paid medical surveys . When choosing to include focus groups in a study, not only is it imperative to recruit the most appropriate and qualified participants, but also the right amount. Focus group moderators seek the optimum number of participants to ensure that there is enough time for each participant to contribute. Ideally, a focus group should be between six or seven people. Any more than this and conversations become redundant, or there isn’t ample time for each participant to speak up. Any less than six, and participants become more self-conscious and are less likely to speak as openly. As with most market research s...