
Showing posts from December, 2019

Improving Focus Groups in 3 Steps

Qualitative research consultants rely on a number of proven methodologies when conducting market research. Focus groups are well-known and well-loved because they consistently provide researchers with reams of valuable insights. While focus groups may seem ‘analog’ in a ‘digital’ age, this methodology remains popular because they are tried and true. This doesn’t mean, however, that they are easy to pull together. A lot of behind-the-scenes planning is required in order to conduct a successful focus group. The ‘secret sauce’ to effective focus group outcomes is recruiting the best participants, which is why a participant recruitment agency is often employed. Companies with dedicated product and marketing teams often outsource market research to nationwide qualitative research firms. The best outcomes are usually achieved when qualitative market research is done by a professional, neutral research company. For small companies or start-ups, it isn’t always possible to outsource marke...

Why Nationwide Recruitment Services are the ‘Secret Sauce’ of Market Research

For those who don’t work in market research, it isn’t uncommon to think that recruiting suitable participants is simply an administrative task. How hard could it be to develop a study discussion guide, find people who would be interested in getting paid for a legitimate study, then synthesize the results into a final report? We’re here to tell you it’s hard. It’s hard because finding the right people to participate in market research studies can be challenging and directly affects the quality of the research findings. Managing study participants takes a lot of work. Not only do you have to connect with qualified participants, you need to ensure that they hold up their end of the deal and show up, whether it’s for a focus group or in-depth interview. Focus Insite has been called numerous times from companies that thought they could manage recruitment, only to learn that it is much harder than it seems. Recruiting isn’t an administrative task that can be easily man...