Beware of the ‘Professional’ Market Research Study Participant!

Qualitative market research studies would be impossible without study participants. They are the lifeblood of any study, and are vital to the market research industry. Study participants are screened and selected to meet the specific criteria of a study, and as market research methodologies become more varied, there are sometimes demands on participants’ time that go beyond participating in a focus group or in-depth interview. Qualitative research consultants spend a lot of time creating screeners so that market research recruitment agencies can seek out participants who qualify. A focus group recruitment agency often keeps a database of available people who are willing to participate in market research. Such databases are useful when needing to populate a study quickly that doesn’t have very specific criteria. For example, a company may want to do a survey gauging brand awareness across the United States. The screener for such a study may require only an age bracket. When needi...